The Story…

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. – God.

We are all created equal as humans and we are all good – made in the image of God, perfectly. We must choose the light or the darkness in us and in the world…to do good or evil. Our time on this earth is a test for us to get into heaven. We are to do good for one another, for the purpose of sharing and loving unconditionally as best we can, as God loves us.

It is my expressed mission to serve others as equals – to share and to save. To love all unconditionally as an imperfect human struggling to see light in times of darkness – I am sharing my light. Not judging others or beating people over the head with religion – my religion is love. And God is love…

Joshua David Kapellusch

Founder & CEO

Learn more about the mission to share, learn, and grow here…

Short Biography:

I grew up in the country working hard on farms and helping my Grandfather with his small-town convenience store business, which he created and operated to serve the needs of his community. Not being born with a silver spoon, I have had to work hard for everything I have earned in life. Including 3 college degrees debt free, honorable wartime veteran status, and most importantly a life-long commitment to be the best father I can be to my 3 growing boys. I strive to set a good example of integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all I do – these core values of the Air Force are embodied within me, sometimes to a fault.

Hard work leads to self-discovery and interpersonal rewards that cannot be fulfilled by any other means. This is separate from high pay, or recognition. Hard work is doing things you do not want to do, but must do in order to achieve a higher goal. Often people get confused with what success is – to me it is achieving personal goals that are very difficult, but that also benefit others motivated by a sense of what God would want me to do. My family, my community, my country, and my God are all I wish to serve. People are the most important thing on this earth and we must peacefully work together to achieve a higher good.

War taught me that despite the best intentions, killing others and forceful assimilation to a predetermined set of processes or values is not the way to live. I work hard to create life, not destroy it. I work hard to bring peace to myself and others. I work hard to help understand that people come first, and that love is the only real answer to solving the biggest problems. Respecting other people’s emotions, thoughts, and actions is a life-long journey in which we must strive to understand.

Professionally I have successfully been employed with world-leading companies, have met high-level government leaders, and have run high-tech companies employing people in the local community. My next greatest ambitions are to serve those who are left behind – the homeless, the lost, the abused, and the ones who have given up. Opportunity exists, even for the most destitute. We are humans first, who must be treated with dignity and respect. We must out of our basic definition of humanity, offer services to be humane – to people.

To offer hope to the hopeless, and homes to the homeless is my mission.

My medicine does not come from pill bottles, but rather doing good for others. I live to help others, and this helps me. Reach out to me with resources or become a supporter for the mission of “turning tragedy into triumph.”

Thank you,

Joshua David Kapellusch