Equality and Truth

Equality and Truth

What does it mean to be equal? And what is truth?

Equality does not mean to take from others to level the playing field. There is no such thing. If we immigrants had an equal opportunity when the land was first settled – the land would have been flat without mountains, and no one would have gone further than the shore line. The truth is some were willing to climb mountains to see what opportunity for a better life lie ahead. Some settled while others moved on. Some made it to California to the Pacific Ocean, while others planted roots on Eastern shores. Those that planted roots, got an earlier start and made good lives for themselves and future immigrants.

Our motive for settling or moving on, lies not in our own ambitions, but rather our purpose for God’s plan. In each of us is a drive to keep pushing when we are tired and weary. Some give up, others keep going. Why we do these things is sometimes beyond us, and beyond our logical reasoning. We each have a specific and unique purpose on this earth – not to be judged by man, but by God. If we are not living out that specific and important purpose, we are not in-line with God and he will correct out paths to fully embrace the life we were giving.

The truth is we are all equal, period. If you have billions, or brains – or if you are homeless, and brain-dead: WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL. PERIOD. You are not better than me, and I am not better than you. Color, race, religion, sex, or any other natural and unique future – is really a matter of using language to describe someone’s unique features. It is only language and semantics. A colorblind person see’s only one type of human. A loving person, loves all. If we align ourselves with God and his intent, as best we can, we can fully live our lives.

Today it is much easier to have an excuse to be upset and take up a mission and use your social media platform to voice your opinion. Those with a louder voice, or larger audience, tend to get heard – but they are not always right. Your reality is not based in virtues, rather vices, in your virtual reality. Those do-gooders are too busy liking groups on social media who support causes with their thumbs, while walking past the very people that need help. It is a cognitive relief to support a virtual group, while in reality the people that need help in real life are going without. Your soft hands and soft mind are not willing to pick up a hammer or hand our dollars to feed people because YOUR needs are too important. Everyone is putting themselves first – a self-serving society, selfishly serves no-one. If everyone puts themselves, first – then all others are last. The day will come when your virtues meet your vices – often on your little electronic device. My advice is to put down your phone, pick up someone and build them a home. We can do this, all of us. We have to put others first and do the hard work. We need people who settle early, and we need people to explore further. We are all in this together and it about time we start working together as a collective of loving and living humans and bring back humanity into our communities.

Joshua David Kapellusch

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