In The Beginning

Salvation Mountain

In the beginning of all creation God created the light and the darkness. We the people of this world are left to choose. To choose good over evil, light over darkness, forgiveness over revenge, God over greed.

Some heed the word and works of God, others fight it from a place of pain. There is no self-gain for any revenge motivated by anger or greed. This we must understand, and it takes time and suffering to accept this.

You might wonder, “If God is so good, then why would he make me suffer, and prolong suffering for the millions?” Good question! I have asked it myself many times, sometimes daily. Through my tears, tribulations, and pain I have suffered. Not as much as some, but I have my own battles and victories.

The greatest high comes from giving yourself to God. And you can get high, over and over without overdosing! It’s true – try it! Give yourself to God, but you have to mean it and have true faith. That is what my suffering and painful journey has been about. I was trying to live without God, trying to do it all along. Well, I failed. But I am succeeding now that I have accepted God into my life and realized it is all real, for real!

In life there are two sides to everything – to create contrast – a clear picture. 20/20. We begin to focus when we begin to love God, and ourselves. We cannot save the world without God and love. Believe me I have tried and the harder I worked alone, the more depressed I got, and the more I lost myself and others.

Now seeing the light, I must share it to save others from themselves and the evils of this world. My country, the UNITED States of America, has become greedy and lazy. The moral foundations we were founded on – GOD – is being erased as greedy, unfaithful, and unaccountable politicians ruin everything our forefathers established and entrusted us to care for. Their rampant and “legal” lobbying is pandering to companies for illegal profits which we individuals are paying for. Their lust for fame and fortune is costing us dearly.

We will lose everything we were ever entrusted to keep, as we continue down this path of destruction. Your little 4 inch life – your phone – is destroying you from the inside out. You are being brainwashed unknowingly to serve the creators of this technology, destroying your biology and love. Virtual reality is NOT REAL! It is a virtue, and life is real – and sometimes really painful. Relationships are being ruined by this little 4 inch device – your life is much bigger than 4 inches. Open your eyes, forgive others, and love yourself. You are perfect and we can work together to make our lives everything it is meant to be.

God will not float down and solve your problems – that is your job – to choose love over lust, to see the light and to be good. All the answers are there in front of you – now get to work.

Share this message, save a friend in need. Do good for others as you would want done for you. It is the small steps that make the big difference. Let go of fears and trust God – that is when you can begin truly living your life as it was meant to be. Your God-given talents will be taken if you do not use them. Get your butt to work now! Not tomorrow.

I love you,

Joshua David Kapellusch

Love God
Salvation Mountain

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