People Who Are Homeless

Definition of: Homeless – Living below the minimum standard or lacking secure tenure.

My definition – “living below one’s own minimum standard and lacking personal security or safety of one’s self and/or belongings.”

On solving homelessness:

The stigma of homeless – relates to a perception that it is the fault of the individual who is homeless, that they are responsible for their condition – because there are so many resources available, that their choices got them there, they are lazy, crazy, or on drugs or alcohol. In so many cases people simply become broken, and broken down – like a car. The difference between a car and humans is that cars can be thrown away, while some people are simply pushed away. It is illegal to kill, but it’s not illegal according to man’s law, to disregard care for another human being. The very definition of humanity is to be generous and have a positive disposition especially to other humans. In a civil society there is equality; a just means of living in which we are all equal, created as such and when our lives end, we are cared for even when carried to our grave.

God created us in his own image – black, white, healthy and unhealthy. The greatest gift we receive from him is choice and freedom to believe, to live in the light or darkness, but he never leaves us, and never leaves us where we are. Some, like me, are head-strong and seek the light in our own way – stubbornly we see our own path and relentlessly pursue it even when God is calling us somewhere else. God in his grace shows us the way even though it may take time to best serve him. My path is serving God by serving his people – and especially people who are homeless. I will serve the lowest and treat them all with respect no matter their social status, financial position, or past. I do have some reservations with regard to people who are violent or have committed hate crimes – murder, rape, molestation, or any unwanted physical act against another. I have not the ability at this time to understand such people who commit physical acts on another, especially sexual ones.

My vision for the future of the world, America, and starting here in Chattanooga – is make available resources for people to have their minimum standards met and have security in personal safety and for their personal items. My vision is to restore humanity by making available basic resources according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: 1. Physiological needs such as clean air to breathe, clean and available water to drink, food that is nourishing, shelter that is habitable (warm/cool dry), proper restful sleep that is secure from harm, clean clothing, and proper hygiene resources.

Beyond basic human needs which we all share we will begin to build and blend a sustainable resource system in which people can contribute and collaborate and share – opportunities that utilize each person’s unique personal attributes. To become a whole person, one must value their unique God-give attributes, then they must use these attributes for the benefit of others while maintaining their own basic standards. In this process we will develop a basic community of people who care and collaborate for the betterment of the whole.

This is the beginning of a movement centered around humanity; a basic care for others that is meaningful, significant, and sustainable. Over next few weeks I will continue to gather ideas and resources to make a difference beginning in my City of Chattanooga. I welcome ideas and contributions to create a place for all humans and American citizens, so help me God.


Joshua David Kapellusch

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