1. The best self-help book is the Bible. It is full of good information and love. This is not a push for religion as religion is a practiced set of beliefs. Study the bible and create your own self-religion, like brushing your teeth so your words are pleasant to others. Brush your soul with words of love, so your soul is pleasant to others. God is love.
  2. Learn and grow from your own experiences and other’s experiences. Then share with others. Your losses, your loves. You are not alone I promise. God is always with you and always loves you. You are perfect – really you are! Look in the mirror and love yourself, perfectly.
  3. Reach out when you need help. People are more capable of loving others more than you will ever know. There are people in places to help you when you are lost. All those who wander are not lost! Often we are searching for love, peace, and safety. Rest easy brothers and sisters, we are saved. Let’s save others…
  4. Music is life!
  5. Reading and educating yourself is vital to personal growth. You are smart, just work for a better future!
I love this song! Tash Sultana is the best musician in the world!

This page will be updated with resources for veterans and people to provide what is needed in a time of need. If the services you need are not here, well then we will just have to create them! Use the contact page to inquire about volunteering and sharing ideas and resources. – Joshua David Kapellusch