The 3 “Laws”

There are 3 laws on the earth and only three:

1. Natural law: which cannot be broken or manipulated because of the scientific process. It is observable and repeatable within acceptable statistical deviations.

2. God’s Law or Moral Law: This is the very fabric of humanity, our spirit and aptitudes known to us that is universally accepted by all humans. This is why we fall in love with other humans and develop relationships with them that perpetuate our very existence. If I looked at a chimp, and fell in love with it I could not perpetuate the human race. We are all designed to give more than we take; we are to respect others rights to happiness, love, freedom, and especially individuality while coming together as a collective for good. To perpetuate our mere existence(s) despite conflict, because we each have a life and it is our own, not other’s to take and control. We are not property. This is why it is bad to kill – it is illegal or immoral, because it is bad for humanity and we cannot be moral if we take, only if we give more than we take.

3. Man’s Law: this law is often the one that is responsible for all of the problems in society and humanity. Laws regulate natural freedoms and individual powers under the guise of ‘the betterment for the collective.’ These laws are ideas which are based on accepted truths supported by imperial facts. These imperial facts not based on nature or on moral law and are outside of the natural balance of humanity. Truths and imperial facts subject to interpretation by humans who can think and therefore create realized perceptions of reality. My perception of fact is my reality. Summations: As humans we are naturally designed to give more than take, as it perpetuates our mere existence and justification within the natural law and moral law. The ultimate debate is whether we are motivated by natural law or moral law as an either conscious or subconscious motivator for each action. At the end of the day who really gives a shit whether we have a purpose or not, if nature vs. nurture is right, because we cannot simply conclude with impunity which basis for action we draw from every time; this is what makes us human and not robots. It changes with every event we encounter. It can be agreed upon however, 1. that if we take more than we give, we fight natural law and moral law, 2. We are motivated by both natural law and moral, and are scared to death by man’s law. Man’s law will always be wrong and is in a constant state of being wrong because imperial facts lose their foundation because imperial facts are supported by the enforcing bodies themselves. Imperial facts can only be based on natural law and moral law which is always evolving as humans make new natural discoveries and better understand morality. The more reason, the less government. – Thomas Paine. The more understanding of nature and morality, the less we will need man’s laws. This is however a threat to government, the imperial entity which establishes its own imperial facts justifying man’s law which in it’s very own design must take from others. A lawful and successful government can be defined as “a voluntary and organized entity that provides a greater value to the collective body than the summation of the individual efforts that are not otherwise organized.” We can successfully self-govern without breaking natural law and moral law only if we govern to give back more collectively than we are able to create individually. I believe some call that modern humanity. So with any action as humans we must first become self-aware of our primary motivators for each action and abide to natural and moral laws. If we give more than we take, we are in line with the very purpose of humanity. In closing, if we use mastodon to help people understand natural law and moral law to better our own lives and other’s without giving too much for too little in return, we will do good resting our motivators to give more than we receive for the greater good. The only question is what the governing entities will be doing about all of this. However, as a hard-working optimist who loves people, it is my personal belief that good
will always preside over evil because it is naturally and morally bound to do so for it’s very survival and justifiable existence.

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